How can we help?
What is Forum?

Forum is a marketplace that connects people with facilitated peer support groups to help them navigate life’s challenges, such as grief, relationships, parenting, and career.

How do Forum groups work?

Forum groups are small cohorts of individuals who meet live on video on a recurring basis. Every Forum group is led by an experienced facilitator who guides the discussion.

Are online peer support groups effective?

Online support groups provide a space for people to connect with others facing similar challenges, without geographical limitations. Members can share experiences, receive emotional support, and exchange advice and coping strategies. Online groups are particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules or other barriers to in-person participation.

Who are Forum’s facilitators?

Forum’s facilitators are independent professionals with expertise in peer group facilitation and experience in the topics they facilitate. They are passionate about helping others and believe in the transformative power of peer support.

Who can join a Forum group?

Forum groups are open to any adults age 18 and over. Group descriptions specify the audience for which each group is intended. We are currently unable to accommodate members under the age of 18, but we do hope to offer youth groups in the future.

How do you ensure high-quality support groups?

All facilitators participate in a vetting process, where we learn about their professional background, education, and experience facilitating peer support groups. We evaluate every facilitator to ensure subject matter expertise and a passion for helping others. We also require that facilitators have the technical skills necessary to successfully run online support groups. All facilitators participate in a multi-week onboarding and training program and receive ongoing feedback and professional development. Before any group is launched on our platform, Forum reviews the group design to ensure that it meets our standards for quality. All facilitators are required to follow our Facilitator Code of Conduct, and all members are required to follow our Member Code of Conduct.

What credentials are required to be a Forum facilitator?

Many of our facilitators are coaches, social workers, counselors, therapists, or other mental health professionals. However, there are no specific licenses, certifications, or other credentials required. We are seeking facilitators who have group facilitation experience and are comfortable leading groups virtually. All of Forum’s facilitators go through an onboarding and training program where they learn everything they need to know to successfully facilitate online peer support groups on our platform.

How do facilitators earn money with Forum?

Facilitators earn income from the subscription fees generated by their groups, and they receive automatic, monthly deposits directly into their Stripe account.

How can I become a Forum facilitator?

If you’re ready to become a Forum facilitator, visit our Become a Facilitator page and click "Sign Up to Facilitate." We’ll reach out to you to schedule a 1:1 session where we can learn more about each other and decide if it’s a good fit. If we choose to work together, you’ll be invited to an onboarding and training program where you’ll learn everything you need to know to be successful on our platform.

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